Hatchlands is an inclusive school and as such our approach to our curriculum complies with our duty to fulfil The Equality Act 2010 and The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to ensure that our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities and special educational needs.
“Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies.’ Desmond Tutu
At Hatchlands Primary School we are passionate about providing an inclusive education for all, where all members of our community feel safe and included. We strive to overcome potential barriers to learning for individuals and groups of learners so that every pupil can reach their full potential . We welcome all pupils and staff irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, gender, gender identity or socio-economic background.
All children share a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets their social and learning needs. More able pupils are challenged and encouraged to expand and deepen their skills and knowledge through varied curriculum opportunities. Those who experience difficulties are provided with targeted support to enable them to embed key skills, learn in a style that best suits their individual needs and make rapid progress. Through early identification and implementing appropriate intervention, we ensure that every child needing additional support, at whatever stage of their learning, is provided for.
We aim for our teachers and support staff to feel empowered to confidently differentiate to meet the needs of all learners. Through regular and up to date training we ensure that staff are skilled and knowledgeable about how best to support a range of special educational needs and disabilities as well as meet the needs of different key groups throughout the school, including Pupil Premium, English As An Additional Language and Looked After Children.
We value the voices of parents and carers and operate an open door policy to enable a shared and collaborative approach to support every pupil's individual learning journey. We work in partnership with relevant external agencies to ensure that the right support can be given to those pupils requiring more targeted or specialist adaptations to our provision.
At Hatchlands, our Inclusion Lead / SENDCo is Miss Lauren Payne. She can be contacted via the school office or email send@hatchlandsprimary.co.uk
Useful Information
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EAL (English as an Additional Language)
At Hatchlands, we aim to make appropriate provision of teaching and resources for pupils with EAL and for raising achievement of ethnic minority groups who are at risk from underachieving. We will identify individual pupil's needs, recognising skills they bring to our school and ensuring that they have equal access to the curriculum. By this we aim to ensure that all EAL pupils are able to understand English confidently and competently, use English as a means of learning across the curriculum and where appropriate, make use of their knowledge of other languages.