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Hatchlands Primary School


School Ambassadors and the School Council

Pupil voice is essential because children are stakeholders in their own learning and should be provided with the opportunity to have their say about our school and therefore at Hatchlands each class has two class ambassadors.


Class Ambassadors are role models within our school who are keen to promote our school core values of compassion, responsibility, respect and courage.

They have been selected because they really care about the well-being of the children in our school, treating others how they want to be treated and believe listening to one another is extremely important in moving the school forward.

In order to become a Primary Ambassador, the children write their letters of application and present to their class how they have the skills to be an effective Ambassador.


Some of the responsibilities of our ambassadors include:

  • Leading fundraising events
  • Meeting and greeting visitors
  • Conducting pupil surveys
  • Contributing to newsletters
  • Communicating the views of the children at ambassador meeting


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