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Hatchlands Primary School


Uniform Information

Our school uniform is available from


Your Image Schoolwear Your Image Limited 28-30 Holmethorpe ave Redhill, Surrey RH1 2NL


Ellis Scott Schoolwear 24 Church Street, Reigate, RH2 0AN 


We also hold regular pre-worn uniform sales throughout the year, these are publicised in our weekly school newsletter. Thank you to the Friends of Hatchlands for organising these.


Help with Uniform Costs Click Here for more information


School Uniform  - Compulsory Items

V-necked jumper with Hatchlands logo or cardigan with Hatchlands logo

Elastic Hatchlands tie

White shirt (long or short sleeved) 

White polo shirts  Summer and Autumn 1 terms only

Grey trousers / shorts, skirt or pinafore dress

Purple and white checked dress Summer and Autumn 1 terms only

If wearing trousers or shorts – plain grey socks

If wearing a skirt or a pinafore dress – either grey tights or white socks.

Black school shoes – no trainers or heels


PE Kit

PE Bag with Hatchlands logo

White shorts or alternatively grey/black shorts

Purple PE t-shirt with Hatchlands logo

Purple joggers or alternatively grey jogging bottoms

Purple sweatshirt with logo



Other Equipment 

Book Bag (Year R - 2) or Rucksack (Year 3 and above)

Waterproof coat

Reception only - please provide a plastic bag consisting of a complete change of clothes including pants and socks as well as an additional pair of pants and socks.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named.

School Details

School Address

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