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Hatchlands Primary School


Transition - Reception and Year 6

“You’re off to great places, today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way” Dr Seuss 


Transition is when a pupil moves from one phase of education to another. For all students, moving class, Key Stage or School can be a challenging time. At Hatchlands, we understand the importance of promoting effective transitions throughout school life and we aim to support our children through all periods of transition in a variety of ways to ensure all changes are as smooth as possible.

Starting School - Reception

In order to make the transition to full-time school as smooth as possible the following are considered;

  • A Welcome Meeting for all new Reception parents is held in the Summer term
  • Reception Staff and Inclusion Leader attendance at 'Transition Tea' with local nurseries
  • Handover meetings between nurseries and reception staff  to share information about each child and to discuss areas for development highlighting children’s targets.
  • Transition visits arranged to Nurseries for children who would benefit from additional support 
  • Additional transition meetings arranged with nurseries / parents / external agencies  for children who would benefit from additional support 
  • School Welcome Pack, Admission form and any prior nursery records shared
  • All children entering Reception are invited to a ‘Stay and Play’ session with their parents and carers in the Summer Term.
  • Home visits are undertaken by the Reception Team prior to child starting,
  • Pupils attend for half day sessions during their first week of school
  • Teachers accompany children to the lunch hall and help forge relationships between the children and lunchtime supervisors

Reception to Key Stage One

  • Increased attendance at Key Stage 1 assemblies, across the year from the Spring term
  • Reception children have opportunities to use the main playground during their Reception year to help familiarise them with the environment.
  • Transition meetings between Reception and Year 1 staff are held in the summer term. All assessment results are passed up.
  • Phonics tracking is shared with Year 1 staff.
  • Pupil Progress meetings are held at the end of Summer Term between Reception teacher, Headteacher and Inclusion Leader to ensure provision is adapted accordingly.
  • All children visit new classes and work alongside new teachers on ‘Transition Morning’ in the Summer term.
  • Year 1 teachers use the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance to inform their teaching for some children
  • Opportunities in the first half term for child-initiated learning, both inside and outside the classroom.

Other Year Group Transitions 

  • Achievement Team meetings held regularly between staff to discuss support and provision in place for children 
  • Pupil Progress meetings are held at the end of Summer Term between teachers, Headteacher and Inclusion Leader to ensure provision is adapted accordingly.
  • All children visit new classes and work alongside new teachers on ‘Transition Morning’ in the Summer term.
  • Additional transition support groups, led by Emotional Literacy Support Assistant for children who would benefit from additional support 
  • Social stories shared with children and families 

Key Stage Two to Secondary 

  • Opportunities arranged for visits to with local secondary schools
  • Secondary school open days shared with families
  • A Parent Information evening for all new Y6 parents held in the Autumn term
  • Additional transition support groups, led by Emotional Literacy Support Assistant for children who would benefit from additional support 

Moving Up! The transition to secondary school

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